Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

History of Central Java

Since the 7th century, there was a lot of Kingdom, which emerged in Central Java. Kalingga Buddha Kingdom of Jepara, ruled by Queen Shima emerged in 674. The colonization by the Dutch lasted for about 350 years March 9, 1942. The Japanese occupation forces landed in Indonesia for 3,5 years. The August 17th, 1945 the Indonesian people proclaimed their independence to the world. Nowadays, Central Java territory is administratively a province, which was established under the law No. 10/1950.
History oozes from every corner of Central Java, an area rich in a culture and tradition cumulated from a powerful Hindu and Buddhist past and more recent Islamic influences. Under the Sailendra and old Mataram kings, the Hindu Javanese culture flourished between the 8th and 10th centuries. It was during this pinnacle of power that Java's most remarkable religious monuments were built; Borobudur, the biggest and most magnificent monument to Mahayana Buddhism in the world; the enormous Hindu temple complex of Prambanan, dedicated to Shiva and built by the rulers of the Sanjaya Dynasty, and the ancient site of the oldest Hindu temples in Java on the magnificent, heights of the Dieng Plateau. All of these and more are testimony to the ancient power and influence of the region. The first Islamic kingdom in Java saw its beginnings in 1511 in Demak, not far from the capital, Semarang. Here one can find one of the province's greatest Islamic structures, the Grand Mosque of Demak, which has said to be built in a single night by one of the nine early leaders of Islam in Java. Symbolic of the way the new faith was introduced, the mosque displays a curious combination of Islamic and Hindu architectural influences and is still revered and worshipped in by Javanese pilgrims who regularly visit the area.
Surakarta, better known as Solo, is the cradle of Javanese culture in the province. The courts of Solo illustrate the noble value that the Javanese attach to grace and refinement, with majestic ceremonies and royal festivals still held with great pomp and circumstance. Although no longer the seats of power they once were, the courts of Solo are still regarded as the bearers of values, which the Javanese have treasured for generations. Descendants of the royal houses are regarded as leaders of Javanese culture and traditions, which uphold standards of sophistication and bearing.
Two major seaports are also to be noted, providing national and international outlets for the province's agricultural and industrial products; Tanjung Emas on the northern coast on the Java Sea, and Cilacap, a natural ocean port in the Indian Ocean, in the southern part of the province.

wayang Gedog

Wayang Gedog  This puppet may have existed since the time of Majapahit. Wayangnya form similar to the puppet prototype. Figures of knights and always wear rapekan Tekes. The characters wear eagle king coil Mungkur and rivets. In no Panji stories gigantic figures and apes.Instead, there are figures from Makassar Klana King who has an army Bugis people.However, not forever Klana figures came from Makassar, there are also figures of Bantarangin (Ponorogo), such as Klana Siwandana, then from Ternate like prabu Geniyara and Daeng Purbayunus, such as the King of Siam Maesadura, and from the country of Bali.Puppet Gedog we know today, supposedly created by Sunan Giri in 1485 (Gaman dragon kinaryeng Bathara) when representing the king of Demak who are conducting raids into East Java (invasion Trenggono to Pasuruan).Gedog new puppet wearing a dagger in Senapati Panembahan era in Mataram. It was only in the Pakubuwana III Solo Gedog updated puppets, puppets made similar prototype, named Kyai Dewakaton.In the play, wayang gamelan barreled pelog Gedog wear and wear clown-servants and Doyok to figure Panjai old Bannerman, Ronggotono and Ronggotani to Klana, and young Sebul-Panji. Seringkali Palette for the wayang puppets Gedog strange figures appear, such as mountains sekaten, zither ( lute), an umbrella terkembang, boats, and others.In Surakarta, stayed there two puppeteer Gedog, namely Bp. Subantar (ISMS / Conservatory) and Bp. Bambang Suwarno, S. Kar (STSI) is also a puppet designer Gedog which still survive today.Wayang shadow puppets Gedog is a story from Sri Gatayu, Son of King Jayalengkara until the time of King Horse Laleyan. Designation Gedog Puppet Wayang performances are thought to originate from the early first Gedog without accompaniment kecrek (iron), so the voice sounds keprak "dog" is very dominant.Wayang stories Gedog the Panji stories that appear in the time of Kediri and Majapahit. Panji term as a knighthood and the king appeared during the reign of Jayabaya in Kediri in the eleventh century. At that time the title Jayabaya Mapanji Jayabaya who ruled in 1135-1157. In addition to his banner, came also the title by taking the names of the mighty beasts as homage.
Puppet characters in the story Gedog is 
  • Panji Asmoro Bangun
  • Lembu Amiluhur
  • Bancak
  • Dewi Candra Kirana
  • Kebo Anabrang
  • Panji Cakranegara
  • Kraeng Mabacuk
Some of the players names are:
  1. Panji Asmarabangun
  2. Panji Sinompradapa
  3. Panji Brajanata
  4. Panji Kartala
  5. Panji Handaga
  6. Panji Kalang
  7. klanasewandana
  8. Klana Jayapuspita
  9. Lembu Amiluhur
  10. Lembuamijaya
  11. Sekartaji
  12. Ragilkuning
  13. Gunungsari
  14. Wirun
  15. Kilisuci
  16. Resi Gatayu
  17. Bremanakanda
  18. Srengginimpuna
  19. Jayalengkara
  20. Panji Kudalaleyan
  21. Sri Makurung
  22. Kebo Kenanga
  23. Jaka Sumilir
  24. jatipitutur
  25. Pituturjati
  26. Ujungkelang
  27. tumenggung Pakencanan
  28. Kudanawarsa
  29. Jaksa Negara
  30. Jaya Kacemba
  31. Jaya Badra
  32. Jaya Singa
  33. Danureja
  34. Sindureja
  35. Klana Maesajlamprang
  36. Klana Setubanda
  37. Sarag
  38. Sinjanglaga
  39. Retna Cindaga
  40. Surya Wisesa

Wayang Madya

Associate is the Wayang Puppet skin created by Mangkunegara IV as connectivePurwa with Wayang Wayang stories Gedog. Wayang stories Madya a transition to astory Purwa Panji stories. One famous story is Associate Puppet Anglingdarma story.Puppet middle did not get to grow outside the temple Mangkunegaran.
Associate telling stories since the death of the Wayang King King JayalengkaraYudayana to the throne. Wayang stories written by R. Ngabehi Madya Tandakusumawith the title Associate Pakem Ringgit consisting of five volumes and each volumecontains 20 stories or plays.
The Puppet characters in Madya is 
  • Anglingdarma
  • Batik Madrim
  • Anglingkusuma
  • Gandakusuma
  • Merusupadma
  • Wil Maricikunda

Wayang Purwa

Wayang puppet prototype or prototypes. The word prototype (first) is used to distinguish this type of puppet shadow play with others. Many types of wayang puppets from revelation, Sadat puppet, puppet gedhog, deer puppets, puppets Pancasila and so on. Purwa means early prototype puppets have estimated the age of the oldest among other leather puppets. The possibility of news of puppet prototype can be seen from the inscription on ababd 11 during the reign of grants which states:"Hanonton ringgit manangis young asekel hidepan, huwus wruh towin jan walulang inukir molah angucap" (Some people see puppets cry, amazed, and saddened heart. Although it is understood that the visits were only skin-shaped sculptured people can move and talk).Excerpt above is the temple 59 in the professor's work Kakawin Arjuna Wiwaha Kanwa (1030), one of the oldest written sources and authentic about the puppet show that began to be known in Java, namely during the reign of Airlangga Dharmawangsa in the Kingdom of Kediri.Puppet prototype itself is usually used stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata, whereas if it has penetrated into the Panji stories are usually presented with a puppet Gedhog. Puppet prototype itself consists of some style or genre, there are genre Kasunanan, Mangkunegaran, Ngayogjakarta, Banyumasan, Jawatimuran, Kedu, Cirebon, and sebagainnya.Prototype puppet made of buffalo leather, carved, colored according to the rules of the outward appearance of wayang puppetry, given a stalk of albino buffalo horn materials are processed in such a way with names cempurit consisting of accusations and pinchers.Judging from the rise of shadow play can be classified into several groups, among others: Puppet golden roe; puppets of medium size not too big nor too small, according to the need for a performer (wayang puppetry). Puppet Ageng; the puppets that are large, especially the limbs in the stomach and legs beyond ordinary puppet, puppets called wayang jujudan. Puppet moth; the puppets that are smaller than ordinary puppet. Puppet Kateb, ie the size puppet terlalku long legs are not balanced by the body.In the development of the shape of this leather puppets have evolved from a tradition even shift into new creations. In the era still prevail Keraton Surakarta made puppets in a very large sizes which were then named Kyai Kadung, this might inspire the mastermind especially Surakarta to make puppets with a larger size again. For example Alm Ki Mulyanto mangkudarsono of Sragen in Central Java to make Giants 2 meters in length, with a sheet material of buffalo skin and still be connected again.This work is then copied by others including Ki Dalang Young Entus from Tegal, Ki Purbo Asmoro Surakarta, Ki Sudirman Sragen role in many more.Ki Entus Susumono from Tegal has even made a lot of leather puppet creations, ranging from planetary puppet, puppet cartoon characters like superman, batman, black steel Satriya, robots, dinosaurs, and puppet-Wong Rai (faced people), characters George Walker Bush, Saddam Hussain, to the figures of government officials. Ki Entus Cirebonan also incorporates puppet genre by genre Surakarta Wayang (puppet cirebon form the top and bottom Surakarta).The addition of the wayang puppet in the skin is also increasingly prevalent, for example by ditambahkanya variety of puppets from the police figures, helicopter, motor ambulances, army ranks, players Drum band, until the figure Mbah Marijan.


Wayang is an original puppet show that berkebang Indonesia in Java and Bali. UNESCO is the agency that oversees the culture of the United Nations, on 7 November 2003 set a puppet as a shadow puppet show famous of Indonesia, a masterpiece of world heritage is invaluable in the art of spoken (Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity). Actually, puppet shows not only in Indonesia. Many countries have a puppet show. However, performing shadow puppet (Wayang) in Indonesia have said and keunikkan own style, which is a genuine masterpiece of Indonesia. And to put it into the UNESCO's World Heritage List in 2003.There was no evidence to show wayang existed before Hinduism spread in South Asia. Chance of performing arts brought by Indian traders. However, the local genius, culture that existed before the entry of Hindus converge with the development of performing arts coming to give its own color on the performing arts in Indonesia. Until now, the early records that can be obtained about the puppet show comes from the inscription Balitung in Century 4, which reads "the Galigi mawayang"When Hindus go to Indonesia and adjust the existing culture, performing arts is becoming an effective medium to spread the Hindu religion, where the puppet show using the story of Ramayana and Mahabharata.Similarly, when the advent of Islam, when a show featuring "God" or "god" in human beings is prohibited, munculah puppets made of cowhide, which is just as watchable performances imagining, which we now know as shadow puppets.To propagate, grow as well as puppets Sadat introduce Islamic values.Even when a Catholic missionary, Father Timotheus L. Wignyosubroto SJ in 1960 to spread Catholicism in its mission to develop Puppet Revelation, which is the source of the story comes from the Bible.


Java language is the language used ethnic Javanese population in Central Java,Yogyakarta and East Java.
Java residents who wander, making the Java language can be found in variousregions and even abroad. The number of Javanese who migrated to Malaysia helpedbring the Javanese language and culture to Malaysia, so there is a residential areathey are known by the name of the village of Java, Java field. In addition, people who use Java language also spread across the territory of the Unitary Republic ofIndonesia. Regions outside Java, the Javanese-dominated or in a significantpercentage are: Lampung (61.9%), North Sumatra (32.6%), Jambi (27.6%), SouthSumatra (27%). Special Java community in North Sumatra, they are the descendantsof contract laborers who were employed in different areas of tobacco, especially inareas that are often referred to as the Deli Deli or Pujakesuma Java (Java Birth SonSumatra). While Java community in other areas spread through the transmigrationprogram, held since the Dutch colonial era.
In addition to the Nusantara region, the Java community is also found in abundance inSuriname, which reaches 15% of the population as a whole, then in the New Caledonia region even to Aruba and Curacao and the Netherlands. A small percentage even spread to the territory of French Guiana and Venezuela. Labor export to Korea, Hong Kong, as well as some Middle Eastern countries alsoexpanded the spread of this language even though the user can not ascertain its sustainability.

description ofcentral java


History has left its footprints across Central Java, an area rich in culture and tradition descending from a powerful Hindu and Buddhist past, and more recent Islamic influences. Due to its colorful past, Central Java has become the place it is today--a beautiful area full of modern amenities yet still retaining its tranquility and peace.


Under the Syailendra and Old Mataram Kings in the 8th and 10th centuries the early Javanese culture flourished, and it was during this period that Borobudur temple was built. On the 10th century, Majapahit kingdom based in East Java began to gain dominance. After the fall of Majapahit, Demak in 15th century, and Islamic based kingdom, started to rise.
New Mataram kingdom appeared on the 16th century. However Dutch came to this area then and began to colonize it. Even after Indonesia proclaimed its independence, Dutch still tried to take over, in vain.
Central Java became a province in Indonesia on July 4, 1950.


An extensive network of good roads and railway links major cities and villages. Airport both in Semarang and Solo and the major seaport in Tanjung Emas, on the North of Semarang and a natural harbor in Cilacap provide national and international access. Door to door travel minibuses are available to and from Java and Sumatra Island.

People & Culture

Also known as the center of Javanese culture, Central Java is mostly populated by Javanese. Solo and Jogjakarta are still the center of two Javanese kingdoms that are still respected even until now. Needless to say, the Javanese still value tradition.
Chinese, Arabian-Indonesian, Sundanese can also be found in this province.


Every city has its own culinary specialties. When traveling around be sure to visit a nearby restaurant and bring along a camera to capture the unique dishes!
In Semarang for instance, try the lumpia, this spring roll is best served hot with a hot chili or sauce. Bandeng presto, made of milkfish, is also delicious and nourishing.