Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

wayang Gedog

Wayang Gedog  This puppet may have existed since the time of Majapahit. Wayangnya form similar to the puppet prototype. Figures of knights and always wear rapekan Tekes. The characters wear eagle king coil Mungkur and rivets. In no Panji stories gigantic figures and apes.Instead, there are figures from Makassar Klana King who has an army Bugis people.However, not forever Klana figures came from Makassar, there are also figures of Bantarangin (Ponorogo), such as Klana Siwandana, then from Ternate like prabu Geniyara and Daeng Purbayunus, such as the King of Siam Maesadura, and from the country of Bali.Puppet Gedog we know today, supposedly created by Sunan Giri in 1485 (Gaman dragon kinaryeng Bathara) when representing the king of Demak who are conducting raids into East Java (invasion Trenggono to Pasuruan).Gedog new puppet wearing a dagger in Senapati Panembahan era in Mataram. It was only in the Pakubuwana III Solo Gedog updated puppets, puppets made similar prototype, named Kyai Dewakaton.In the play, wayang gamelan barreled pelog Gedog wear and wear clown-servants and Doyok to figure Panjai old Bannerman, Ronggotono and Ronggotani to Klana, and young Sebul-Panji. Seringkali Palette for the wayang puppets Gedog strange figures appear, such as mountains sekaten, zither ( lute), an umbrella terkembang, boats, and others.In Surakarta, stayed there two puppeteer Gedog, namely Bp. Subantar (ISMS / Conservatory) and Bp. Bambang Suwarno, S. Kar (STSI) is also a puppet designer Gedog which still survive today.Wayang shadow puppets Gedog is a story from Sri Gatayu, Son of King Jayalengkara until the time of King Horse Laleyan. Designation Gedog Puppet Wayang performances are thought to originate from the early first Gedog without accompaniment kecrek (iron), so the voice sounds keprak "dog" is very dominant.Wayang stories Gedog the Panji stories that appear in the time of Kediri and Majapahit. Panji term as a knighthood and the king appeared during the reign of Jayabaya in Kediri in the eleventh century. At that time the title Jayabaya Mapanji Jayabaya who ruled in 1135-1157. In addition to his banner, came also the title by taking the names of the mighty beasts as homage.
Puppet characters in the story Gedog is 
  • Panji Asmoro Bangun
  • Lembu Amiluhur
  • Bancak
  • Dewi Candra Kirana
  • Kebo Anabrang
  • Panji Cakranegara
  • Kraeng Mabacuk
Some of the players names are:
  1. Panji Asmarabangun
  2. Panji Sinompradapa
  3. Panji Brajanata
  4. Panji Kartala
  5. Panji Handaga
  6. Panji Kalang
  7. klanasewandana
  8. Klana Jayapuspita
  9. Lembu Amiluhur
  10. Lembuamijaya
  11. Sekartaji
  12. Ragilkuning
  13. Gunungsari
  14. Wirun
  15. Kilisuci
  16. Resi Gatayu
  17. Bremanakanda
  18. Srengginimpuna
  19. Jayalengkara
  20. Panji Kudalaleyan
  21. Sri Makurung
  22. Kebo Kenanga
  23. Jaka Sumilir
  24. jatipitutur
  25. Pituturjati
  26. Ujungkelang
  27. tumenggung Pakencanan
  28. Kudanawarsa
  29. Jaksa Negara
  30. Jaya Kacemba
  31. Jaya Badra
  32. Jaya Singa
  33. Danureja
  34. Sindureja
  35. Klana Maesajlamprang
  36. Klana Setubanda
  37. Sarag
  38. Sinjanglaga
  39. Retna Cindaga
  40. Surya Wisesa

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